Congrats! Your Way to Make $5000 in the NEXT 90 Days


This is a one-time offer... if you wait, you will end up paying a lot more for this

Get Ready to UNCOVER the Ultimate System for Building a THRIVING Network Marketing Business That Generates $5,000 a Month!

Pay close attention. This is a one-time offer… If you wait, you’ll end up paying a lot more for this.

Hey, fellow Networkers!

Are you ready to attract a steady stream of high-quality prospects without the hassle of cold calling, begging friends, or endlessly posting on social media?

Imagine connecting with people who are not just interested but excited to buy your products or join your business—right now!

And what if you could do all this with just the push of a button?

If you’re nodding your head in agreement, then you’re in for a treat.

Because you’re about to learn how to build a thriving business that earns you $5,000 a month (part-time) in the next 120 days.

Think about it for a moment…

What would an extra $5,000 mean for your life? What if that income grew by at least 20% every month? Would you still be stuck in the same job? Living in the same apartment? Wearing the same clothes? Driving the same car? Would you be burdened by debt, or would you be the one lending money to others? How would that change your demeanor, your conversations, your style? And most importantly, how would it make you feel?

I know it sounds like a bold promise—but trust me, it’s absolutely achievable.

Whether you’re brand new to network marketing, have been struggling to get off the ground, or simply want to ramp up your sales…

I’m here to show you how to open the floodgates and fill your business with more prospects, customers, and team members than you ever thought possible.


Partner & Profit (Value $997) Just $9.95 Today

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Partner & Profit (Value $997) Just $9.95 Today

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Before we dive into the powerful, little-known strategies for generating sales and building your team, let me take a moment to introduce myself.

I’m Lusabara, the mastermind behind NetWave, and I have an inspiring story to share about my journey in network marketing.

Like many newcomers, I was told to create a list of 150 names, make cold calls, invite people to meetings, host product launch parties, hand out flyers, and talk to strangers about my business.

And guess what? I ended up in the NFL—No Friends Left Club. I had zero sales and no team members. I felt utterly defeated and decided to quit. I remember crying through the nights because it felt like I had nothing left. That was back in 2017—two years of struggle leading to nowhere. It was painful!

But here’s the twist: I refused to give up on my dream of succeeding in network marketing.

While juggling odd jobs, I dedicated my time to learning how to approach this business differently. One day, while scrolling through Instagram, I stumbled upon a Tim Erway ad that promised to teach me how to build my network marketing business online. Intrigued, I clicked on it and enrolled in their course.

That course introduced me to Attraction Marketing, and I became a committed student. Fast forward to 2023—I relaunched my business, and within six months, my life transformed dramatically.

I’m not here to flaunt flashy cars or boast about income; instead, I want to share…

The hard truths about network marketing that your upline might never tell you.

It’s shocking that so many network marketers are still stuck using outdated prospecting and recruiting methods.

I’m astounded that people are still writing down their top 100 lists, holding home and hotel meetings, cold prospecting, and wasting hours mindlessly posting products on social media and WhatsApp groups.

Sadly, many who cling to these old-school tactics simply don’t know any better—they were never taught a different way.

And it pains me to say this: with these outdated methods, most people don’t stand a chance in this business—especially in today’s digital age.

Listen up! We’re living in the third decade of the 21st century. We’re no longer in the 1990s or 2000s; the landscape of business has changed drastically.

We’re on the brink of Web3 technology, which is set to revolutionize network marketing by enabling transparent, trust-based transactions between buyers and sellers. This will reduce fraud risk and ensure commissions are paid out correctly.

And here’s the kicker: nobody else in this industry has shared this with youuntil now.

The days of making a list of your warm market, chasing your friends and family, cold-calling leads, and showing the plan… are DEAD!

Alright, maybe those old methods aren’t completely dead—at least not yet! 🙂

But let’s be real: they are outdated, inefficient, and a total waste of time for most people.

Honestly, I don’t know about you, but I never found those old-school tactics enjoyable. Building a network marketing business the way we were taught by our upline and leaders? It just plain sucks!

I mean, how much fun is it when your friends start ignoring your calls?

I remember every time someone laughed at me or dismissed my efforts—it felt like a slap in the face. Each rejection only fueled my desire to prove them wrong. So, I worked harder, wasted more time on uninterested prospects, and spent money I didn’t have… only to end up deeper in debt and more frustrated than ever.

After years of struggle and disappointment, here’s what I finally realized:

The ineffective, outdated methods pushed by your upline and MLM company aren’t just a waste of time...

...they’re the #1 reason why so many hopeful network marketers fail miserably, burn out, and leave this industry.

And yet, these ridiculous tactics are STILL being spread by old-school networkers!

So if you’re struggling to build the dream business you were promised when you started… IT’S NOT YOUR FAULT!

As a network marketer, there’s a 100% chance YOU’VE BEEN LIED TO! 😂

Now it’s time to hear the TRUTH…

Today, I’m going to expose the 3 BIG LIES you hear every day from your network marketing company or your upline.

Are you ready?

Let’s kick things off with… 

Your MLM Company Is Your Business

Let’s take a hard look at the agreement you signed when you first joined your MLM. You’re labeled as a “sales representative” or “rep.”

But let’s be clear: that doesn’t make you a business owner.

FACT: YOUR MLM IS NOT YOUR BUSINESS. The owners of your company want you to believe otherwise because they want you focused solely on bringing them customers and recruits.


Your MLM is not your business. It’s not your company, its products, or its compensation plan.

YOU are your business. Think of it as YOU, Incorporated. Your MLM is just one of your revenue streams—and it can be a significant one—but it’s not the whole picture.

The reality is that network marketing companies can change at any moment:

  1. Compensation plans shift.
  2. Business models evolve.
  3. Directions change.
  4. Leadership can crumble.
  5. Companies can go out of business.

Your family’s future and income should NEVER rely 100% on the longevity of your network marketing company.

If you’ve put all your eggs in one basket and branded yourself solely to that company, what happens if something goes wrong? What if, God forbid, the company collapses and your income vanishes overnight?

It’s like building a house of cards if you promote and brand your MLM upfront.

STOP promoting your MLM upfront! 🚨

You’re playing with fire—NONE of the top earners do this, and it simply doesn’t work. Don’t become another horror story whose sole source of income disappears in an instant.

THE SOLUTION: From this day forward, you need to start branding YOU.

Look at all the leaders you admire online—they’ve built their own brands. Now it’s YOUR turn to create YOUR brand, and I’m here to help you get started immediately!

Network marketing companies come and go; they change their compensation

plans, shift their focus, and leave you at their mercy—NO MORE!

You’re about to create an insurance policy for your business like never before as you begin to BRAND YOU, Incorporated!

Once you start delivering VALUE to your audience, you’ll build trust and gain influence. That’s when people will be magnetically drawn to you and your brand…

This is where you’ll finally realize the dream business you were promised when you first started, and the floodgates to financial freedom will swing wide open… #BINGO!

This isn’t magic; it’s SCIENCE! This framework has worked wonders for my downlines, and it can work for you too. 

Everyone Is Your Prospect

Let’s get one thing straight: the idea that “everyone with a pulse is your prospect” is a myth. The so-called 5-foot rule? It doesn’t work for 99.99999999% of people and is NOT duplicable.

Think about it: How many people on your team would genuinely feel comfortable approaching strangers within 5 feet of them to pitch a business opportunity on the first handshake?

For the average person just starting out—especially those who are more introverted than extroverted—this is nearly IMPOSSIBLE.

Contrary to what you’ve been told, not every Juma, Anna, and Kamazima is the right fit for you.


You should be focusing on your target market.

As a network marketer, one of your BEST target markets is people who are already IN the network marketing profession or those eager to get started.

And let’s be real—every network marketer’s BIGGEST challenges are:

  • Finding fresh people to talk to daily (leads/prospects)
  • Generating cash flow (customers/reps)

So, what do you do? Give your #1 target market exactly what they want!

FACT: You should ONLY be speaking to your target market—those who genuinely want to BUY your products and services.

When you cater to what your target market desires, you’ll get what you want in return: customers, sales, and recruits.

Instead of spamming your friends with product pitches and opportunities on Facebook—like everyone else does, which keeps you broke—why not learn how to generate leads online? That’s what YOUR target market is looking for. And that’s where we come in!

All you need to do is create a small piece of content that shares what you’ve learned with your audience—the content they actually want—and they will LOVE you for it. 

Don’t worry; we’ll guide you step-by-step on how to do this effectively to bring in more customers and reps for YOUR business!

Think of it this way: having a page like this is like the front door to a pizza shop. Without it, there’s no way for customers to enter your business.

And let’s face it—it’s going to be tough to get customers through the door if there’s no front door! (More on that in just a moment.) 

Promote Your Opportunity and Products on Social Media!

If you’ve been told to blast your presentation link all over Facebook, in groups, through Messenger, and across social media—STOP IT! This isn’t your fault; it’s just the outdated marketing tactics you’ve been taught by people who don’t understand modern marketing.

Here’s the reality of growing a network marketing business:

Start creating content that genuinely serves your audience, and you’ll effortlessly attract sales and sign up new reps.


You should be focused on creating valuable content for your target audience.

How do you gain trust and build relationships with your prospects quickly? It’s simple: ADD VALUE and SOLVE THEIR PROBLEMS!

When you do this, people will be excited to learn more about your products and services—and they’ll be eager to buy from you time and again!

To put it another way:

Create content that serves your audience, and sales will follow.

For example, if you’re in the health and wellness industry and your target market is individuals looking to lose weight, don’t just spam “Hey, buy my weight loss supplement!” like every other broke networker out there.

Instead, consider creating a simple cheat-sheet that includes a quick recipe to help burn fat first thing in the morning. And guess what? The last ingredient in that recipe is YOUR magic supplement. #BINGO!

That piece of content provides real VALUE that prospects in the health & wellness space will want to engage with—far more effective than pitching or spamming.

This is how you start building relationships and position yourself as a top earner in YOUR business!

And yes, we have software and tools that make this process easy—no technical skills or programming experience required. Plus, we’ll guide you every step of the way.

The possibilities are endless as you transform into a REAL marketer who creates REAL value in the marketplace by serving YOUR target market. We’ll teach you exactly how to do this in YOUR specific business to attract more customers and reps.

This is how YOU become a person of VALUE. By creating content that SERVES your audience, you’ll get people to know, like, and trust you!

In a nutshell, this is all about:


Listen Up!

If Your Company or Upline Tells You to Avoid the Internet, It's Time to Run!

They’re stuck in a fear-based mentality that limits their vision. If you don’t embrace the power of the internet, your team will leave you for someone who will.

The reality is that there are BILLIONS of prospects you can connect with online—people you can help, serve, and enroll into YOUR company—all from the comfort of your home, even while you sleep!

Saying “don’t use the internet” is like opting for a horse and buggy when we’ve already sent a man to the moon!

How fast do you want to grow YOUR business? What speed do you want to achieve success?

Old School, Antiquated, Zero Leverage

(Horse and buggy speed)


New School, Futuristic, Boundless Potential

(Rocket speed)

It’s the 21st century, my friend—embrace it! Leverage the incredible tools we have at our fingertips!

Sure, the internet can feel like a daunting jungle to navigate alone… but from this day forward, you are NOT alone.

Here’s a crucial question for you:

Would you like my help to set everything up so you can become a top earner and create financial freedom for yourself and your family?

If so, let me introduce you to a life-changing marketing system called ‘Guerrilla 101.’ This system has created tens of thousands of success stories and built some of the biggest top earners you see online today. It’s scientifically designed to help you attract more customers, recruit more reps, and become a top earner in YOUR MLM!

Now, maybe you’re already familiar with Attraction Marketing and have learned a thing or two about traffic generation and list building. If that’s the case—congratulations! You understand that the future of network marketing lies in leveraging the internet.

But let me ask you this:

Are you getting the results you hoped for with your online marketing? Are you attracting floods of targeted traffic and hot leads every single day? Can you sponsor new reps at the push of a button?

If you’re like most network marketers struggling out there, chances are you’re not seeing the results you want. And here’s the kicker: it’s only going to get tougher because this industry is growing at lightning speed. Right now, there are over 128 million network marketing distributors worldwide, with at least 70 million actively trying to grow their businesses.

That’s your competition! More people are vying for your prospects’ attention than ever before. With so much noise out there, many networkers won’t stand a chance in this new landscape.

But here’s the good news: it doesn’t have to be that way for YOU. There’s an easier and more effective way to rapidly build a large network marketing organization. Instead of talking to 10-20 people a day only to face rejection from most (if not all), stop struggling to drive traffic and generate leads with little to show for your efforts. 

You Can DO What My Team and I Are Doing!

Imagine creating an “Arm of Robots” that sells your products and opportunity to hundreds, even thousands, of qualified prospects on autopilot every single day. Yes, I said “robots”—stick with me, and I’ll explain how this works in just a moment.

Once you set this up, your traffic-generating, lead-capturing, sponsoring robots will do 80% of the heavy lifting for you. This means you can sponsor more reps while actually working less! You’ll instantly join the ranks of the “New Breed” of networkers who are shattering records in this industry.

Here’s the Best Part…

If you follow our proven system exactly as we show you, it works every single time—no exceptions. This time-tested secret has been utilized across various industries to generate billions of dollars, elect presidents, and influence public opinion. It’s the driving force behind every successful internet company, including ours.

Now, let me share my story with you. During my first two frustrating years in this industry, I learned two crucial lessons:

First, I absolutely hated pitching my business to anyone—friends, family, or leads I’d purchased. The whole process made me feel sick to my stomach. If you’ve been there, I know you can relate.

Second, I realized that to truly become “rich,” I needed to sell a lot of products to a lot of people. But with only a few hours each night to build my business, I had to find a way to show the business to 5,000 people a day instead of just 10. The solution was clear:

I Needed to Clone Myself!

And yes, I figured out how to do it.While everyone else was busy learning how to prospect over the phone or through social media—answering objections and inviting people to meetings—I was diving into books and online courses that taught me a little-known skill called COPYWRITING.

If you’re not familiar with it, copywriting is the art of using written words to sell anything—whether through letters, emails, blogs, or funnels like this one you’re reading right now.

Think about those late-night infomercials or compelling sales letters that made you whip out your credit card without even thinking twice.

That was no accident!

When you master copywriting, you’ll learn how to create that same desire in people at will. It’s powerful yet simple psychology that can transform your business. 

Discover the Most Powerful “Master Prospector” You Could Ever Hire!

Instead of pitching your business over the phone or in meetings, imagine using a new skill to craft simple sales messages that sell your products and opportunity for you. These messages tell your story, address common objections, and create an irresistible desire in people to join your business—automatically. And guess what? It works. BIG TIME.

We’ve found that Guerrilla 101 is the ultimate “Master Prospector” you could ever hire. This system tirelessly delivers your message perfectly, every single time.

It never calls in sick, never complains, and it certainly won’t quit on you like that one guy, Bob, you sponsored last month. Think of Guerrilla 101 as your very own automatic, money-making robot working for you 24/7.

It’s incredible! 😊

Naturally, we got excited and decided to take things up a notch by leveraging our new copywriting skills and funnel design to place targeted ads all over the internet.

These little ads started doing all our prospecting for us, sending waves of interested people from around the globe to our funnels day and night.

Let Our Done-For-You Robots Do the Prospecting!

By this point, thousands of people were seeing our ads and hearing about our business every single day. Sales began rolling in like never before! In fact, we had so many people wanting to join our team that we had to hire a full-time assistant just to manage all the calls, messages, and emails.

While the average networker might manage 10-20 presentations on a good day, we’re reaching 1,000 to 5,000 people daily—and we’re doing it while working a lot less.

So let me ask you: who do you think will build their business faster and earn more money? The person doing 10 presentations a day or the one doing 1,000?

The answer is obvious: it’s the person doing 1,000 presentations a day!

Instead of trying to prospect everyone you meet, let our done-for-you robots handle it for you.

You’ve Got the Power to Choose!

You can spend hours pounding the phone or have a landing page or sales funnel that tells your business story and sells for you.

You can keep chasing people down, spamming friends’ inboxes on social media, posting in WhatsApp and Telegram groups until you’re blue in the face… or you can join our team and get access to a done-for-you marketing system that handles all the telling and selling for you. This way, you can create consistent cash flow at will or get people eagerly chasing you back!

The choice is yours—and it’s time to make it count. Let’s get started right now!

And from this moment on… forget everything you’ve heard about cold calling, giving presentations, and coaxing friends and family into attending hotel meetings. 

We've Combined the Power of Internet Marketing with Network Marketing Like Never Before!

At NetWave, we’ve revolutionized the way network marketing works by integrating cutting-edge internet marketing strategies that do the heavy lifting for you.

Say Goodbye to Old-School Tactics

Almost nobody in this industry is using our system—only NetWave. While others are stuck in the grind of cold calling and one-on-one meetings, we’re designing powerful sales funnels and crafting compelling messages that sell our products and business automatically, over and over again.

We’re not about pushing people to buy or using sleazy sales tactics. No way! We’ve combined the power of internet marketing with network marketing like never before!

Our Winning Formula 🤔

We build kickass websites, engaging Facebook pages, and dynamic YouTube channels. We drive traffic through targeted Facebook Ads to our free workshops, and the best part? We follow up with our leads via email, providing them with all the information they need to make informed decisions.

Our customers aren’t buying because we’re forcing them; they’re buying because they genuinely want to. This approach is a game-changer in the MLM industry, and we’re proud to lead the charge. Have you heard of any other MLM doing things like this? I didn’t think so. Let’s rock this industry together!

Meet your new "Sponsoring Machine"

Imagine having a system that slips into your prospects’ homes, crawls onto their desks, and delivers the perfect sales pitch every single time. That’s what our NetWave system does! Just plug it in, and you’re done.

There’s nothing more duplicable than the NetWave marketing system. It’s like having a little “Sponsoring Machine” working tirelessly for you 24/7.

Just plug and play our system, and you’re done. Fact is, there’s more ‘duplicable’ than NetWave marketing system. It’s like having having a little “Sponsoring Machine” that slips into your prospects’ homes, crawls onto their desks and give the perfect “Sales Pitch” every single time.

The Secret Sauce of Top Earners

This is the ‘Big Secret’ behind almost every six- and seven-figure networker I know—including legends like Jessie Lee Ward, Viraj Patil, Jenna Zwagil, Allan Badilla, Jason Brown, Matthew Rosa, and many more successful new-school networkers. They all have solid marketing systems.

Ask them what their secret is, and they’ll tell you: their ability to connect with and influence people using effective marketing systems is the #1 reason for their success.

Now you can access this system too!

Instead of spending countless hours dialing numbers or doing grunt work that steals precious time from your family and friends, you can use our done-for-you ‘shortcut’ system to build your business.

The good news? You don’t have to figure it all out alone. The bad news? Very few people truly understand how to design effective network marketing funnels or write compelling copy—and even fewer know how to teach it effectively.

I remember spending over $7,000 on funnel design and copywriting courses before I finally got it. It wasn’t fun or easy back then. But thankfully, now there’s an easier, much less expensive done-for-you ‘shortcut’ system that you can use to build your MLM business—so you can experience the same benefits without the headache!

Let’s get one thing straight...

NetWave is not for tire-kickers or those looking for a get-rich-quick scheme. If that’s what you’re after, keep reading.

But if you’re serious about building a successful network marketing business, then listen up!I know this might seem obvious to most of you, but my exceptional results didn’t come overnight. They were the result of years of hard work and dedication. Success takes effort, and this system is designed for those who are already in the network marketing game but aren’t seeing the results they want—or for those ready to dive in.

Imagine This…

When you follow our simple approach, it’s like having a magic slot machine: put in a dollar, and out comes $2, $3, $5, or sometimes even $10 every single time! 

Since I first unveiled my system, my team and I have generated millions in sales and recruited hundreds of new reps. It’s been an incredible journey, and the results speak for themselves!

Why Continue Wasting Years Of Your Time And Money Trying To Build A Business On Your Own, When You Can Get The Help You Need From The Best New School Networkers…

If you’re serious about building a wildly successful network marketing business that generates a jaw-dropping 6 or 7 figures in record time, then listen up because I’ve got a game-changing solution for you.

The secret to success lies in plugging into a team of badass mentors who have already achieved what you want to achieve. They’ll take you by the hand and show you exactly how to do it.

And that’s exactly what NetWave is all about. We’re the new breed of networkers, and we’re here to help you build a real brand, real products, and a real business. Our team is made up of some of the most successful entrepreneurs, and we’re ready to share our knowledge and systems with you.

But let’s be clear – you have to be willing to learn, apply what you learn, and take action. Your results are entirely up to you. So if you’re ready to take your business to the next level, come join us and let’s make it happen!

But in order for that to happen, I need you to get off the sidelines, suit-up, and…

“Get in the game!”

Now— in order to “get in the game,” you do need some tools, or else it makes playing the game a little confusing, and we don’t want any of that…
That’s why I pulled together ALL of the tools you’ll need so you can build & launch your network marketing business online without stalling…
Plus, because I want to do everything in my power so you can experience the success of launching your home-based business, and all of the joys that come with it
I’m not going to make you pay the high price tag that normally comes with “getting in the game”…
Like I said earlier, I’m going to GIVE YOU everything, including over $7,603 worth in marketing secrets to launch & build your network marketing business… for $600!
All I ask is that you get your starter kit (with products worth your money) for your personal use and handling costs so we can send you all of the physical goodies (plus extra surprises… shhh it’s a secret)… sound fair?

Cool, now, with that being said...

Here’s everything you get to help you build & launch “Your Network Marketing Business” online

Just say “Maybe” today and you’ll receive:

Business starter kit covered with 30-day money back guarantee!

That’s right.
This allows you to get comfortable with the software, “Done-for-You” website funnel, and then launch your business… without giving me a single penny!
Nowhere else will you be able to find this type of “all-in-one” DONE-FOR-YOU tools, trainings and social media posters, all designed to make sure you succeed in network marketing business.

When you sign up today, you get immediate access to the NetWave tools where you’ll be able to...

Now, these tools are worth it all by itself, but guess what...?

We just barely got started...

Because, as I said earlier when you join the business with Business Starter Kit and join our NetWave team, you immediately unlock the most incredible tools ever!
This includes over $7,603 worth of ‘online marketing tools that will help “kick-start” your business for the highest chances of success!

All you have to do is say “MAYBE”

And the gift is yours… for FREE!

Frequently Asked Questions

A descriptive paragraph that tells clients how good you are and proves that you are the best choice that they’ve made.

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit.​

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit.

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit.​

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit.

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Get instant access to the game-changing tactics that will supercharge your earnings. Enter your details below and embark on your journey to financial freedom!