10 Reasons Why YOU Should NOT Get Involved With Network Marketing Business in 2025

You’re probably double-checking the title right now, thinking you misread it. Nope, you didn’t. You’ve landed in the right place, and yes, I’m about to tell you why you should not get involved in network marketing. Weird, right? But stick with me, because there’s a method to this madness.

So, picture this… A few days ago, I was doing the usual—hopping on LinkedIn, connecting with new folks, expanding my circle of influence (like you do). I came across this young guy, fresh out of the IT world, probably 25, with a serious look on his face. Naturally, we got to talking, and when he asked about my work, I dropped the line: “I HELP Employees Earn an Extra $5000/Month Residual Income with Just 3 Hours a Day.

I left it at that. Just a little bait, nothing more.

The dude took the bait—hook, line, and sinker.

He clicked the link, and BAM—there it was: “Network Marketing.” His response? “Network Marketing, huh? Interesting.”

I could practically hear the gears grinding in his head. When I asked if he knew much about network marketing, he mentioned he’d dabbled in it before with two companies. But his reaction? Let’s just say, it was like I’d just told him the Earth was flat. Defensive mode activated.

Long story short, I gracefully redirected the convo and ended it on a polite note.

But here’s the kicker—he’s not the only one with a chip on his shoulder about network marketing. There are loads of folks out there who hear “network marketing” and instantly recoil like they’ve seen a ghost. Maybe you’re one of them. Maybe you’ve tried and quit. And if so, I get it.

Here’s the cold, hard truth… Network marketing isn’t for everyone. In fact, if any of the following 10 reasons resonate with you, then you might want to think twice before diving in. And I say that with all the love in the world 🤑

Reason #1.

97% of Network Marketers Fail

Let’s just rip this Band-Aid off quickly, shall we? Yep, 97% of people who try network marketing fail. That’s not me being a Debbie Downer—it’s a statistical fact. But here’s the thing: that 3% who succeed? They’re the ones who treat it like a marathon, not a sprint.

You see, the failure rate is high because people come in expecting a get-rich-quick scheme. They think they’ll be rolling in dough after a week of work, like they’ve hit the jackpot. But here’s the reality: network marketing is more like a marathon where you’re juggling flaming torches and dodging hurdles. You need stamina, persistence, and a willingness to learn from your mistakes.

“If you’re thinking about network marketing as your ticket to driving a Lamborghini next week, let me stop you right there. Unless that Lamborghini is a Matchbox car, it’s not happening. Think marathon, not Mario Kart.”

Reason #2.

On Average, a Network Marketer Recruits 2.2 Individuals

That’s right—2.2 individuals. Now, you’re probably thinking, “How do you recruit .2 of a person?” Well, you don’t, obviously. But this stat drives home the point that most people in network marketing recruit just a couple of folks before they burn out and quit.

So, unless you’re ready to go beyond that and actually learn the skills needed to build a downline, you might find yourself stuck in that 2.2 rut.

I remember my first year in network marketing—I was on fire, ready to recruit the world. But then reality hit. My initial recruits were my close friend, who probably just signed up to shut me up. After that, crickets. It wasn’t until I learned to properly present the opportunity that I started seeing real growth.

“But here’s the silver lining—if you push past that initial hump, the sky’s the limit. Network marketing is a numbers game, but it’s also a game of patience and persistence. Are you ready to play?”

Reason #3.

90% of Network Marketers Earn Less Than $10 Per Week

Let’s do some quick math: $10 a week is $40 a month, which might just cover your Netflix subscription. If that’s your goal, then cool—but I’m guessing you’re here for a bit more than that.

Most people who jump into network marketing expect to be making bank from the get-go, but they quickly realize that it doesn’t work that way. Like any other business, it takes time to build momentum.

“Ten bucks a week is enough to buy you a couple of lattes at Starbucks. But if that’s all you’re aiming for, you might want to reconsider your life choices—or at least switch to homebrewed coffee.”

Reason #4.

Thriving Network Marketers are Leaders

Here’s the thing about network marketing—it’s not just about selling products. The people who thrive are the ones who lead. They’re the ones who inspire, motivate, and guide their teams to success.

And no, being a leader doesn’t mean barking orders or strutting around like you own the place. It means leading by example, showing up every day, and being the kind of person others want to follow. If you’re not ready to step into that role, your chances of success are slim.

“Leadership in network marketing isn’t about being the loudest in the room. It’s about being the one who consistently shows up, day in and day out, even when the going gets tough. Be the leader who’d walk barefoot across a Lego-covered floor for their team.”

Reason #5.

Expect 90 – 97% Rejection

If you have a thin skin, network marketing is going to toughen you up real quick. Rejection is part of the game. Out of every 100 people you talk to, expect 90 – 97 of them to say “no.” And some of those “no’s” might be delivered with a side of snark. But that’s okay.

I remember one of my first pitches to a close friend. I was so excited, sure she’d see the light. Instead, she looked at me like I’d just asked her to join a cult and said, ‘Thanks, but I think I’ll pass.’ Ouch. But hey, rejection is like a badge of honor in this business—you collect them, learn from them, and keep moving forward.

“Think of it this way: rejection in network marketing is like your morning cup of coffee. If you’re not getting any, you’re probably not doing it right.”

Reason #6.

90% Won’t Take the Business Seriously

Here’s a hard truth: most people who sign up won’t take the business seriously. They’ll treat it like a hobby, and then wonder why they’re not seeing results.

If you’re going to succeed in network marketing, you need to treat it like a business from day one. That means setting goals, sticking to a schedule, and holding yourself accountable.

“Sure, 90% might treat it like a hobby, but you’re not here for a hobby—you’re here for a career. Find those who share your passion, and together, you’ll build something real.”

Reason #7.

No Sales Mean No Payout

Unlike a regular job where you get paid just for showing up, network marketing pays you based on your results. No sales? No payout. But here’s the beauty of it: the potential is limitless.

“In network marketing, you eat what you kill—so if you’re a vegetarian, you better get creative! Jokes aside, the freedom of uncapped earnings means you control your destiny, not some middle manager.”

Reason #8.

Network Marketing Might Not Earn You Societal Respect

Let’s be honest: telling people you’re in network marketing might not earn you a standing ovation at your next family gathering. In fact, it might just get you a few raised eyebrows and a side-eye or two.

But here’s the thing—respect doesn’t pay the bills. And once you start hitting your financial goals, those same people might start coming to you for advice.

“Tell someone you’re in network marketing, and watch their face do that thing—like when you tell them you eat pineapple on pizza. But hey, let’s see who’s laughing when you’re financially free.”

Reason #9.

Income Can Fluctuate Drastically

Unlike a steady paycheck, network marketing income can be all over the place. One month you might be rolling in it, and the next, you’re scraping by. It’s the nature of the beast.

But don’t let that scare you off. Instead, learn to manage your money wisely, build a cushion for the lean months, and remember that the dips are just part of the journey.

“It’s a rollercoaster, no doubt—but isn’t that more exciting than a merry-go-round? The thrill of network marketing is that your highs can be as high as you’re willing to work for.”

Reason #10.

The Pressure to Approach Friends and Family

Let’s talk about the elephant in the room: hitting up your friends and family to join your business. It’s awkward. It’s uncomfortable. And it can strain relationships if not done right.

But here’s the good news—you don’t have to rely on friends and family. With attraction marketing, you can build a business that draws people to you, rather than chasing them down.

“Nothing says awkward like trying to pitch your Aunt Betty at Thanksgiving dinner. But with attraction marketing, they’ll be asking you about the business—no cranberry sauce bribery required.”

The FREEDOM to Choose

Alright, now that I’ve scared you off with 10 solid reasons why you might not want to get into network marketing, let me tell you why I’m still here, and why I’ll be here for the long haul.

It’s simple: FREEDOM.

I don’t need 10 reasons to be in network marketing. I’ve got just one: freedom. The freedom to live life on my terms, to wake up every morning and decide how I want to spend my day. The freedom to help others achieve the same.

Throughout history, leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., and Nelson Mandela fought for freedom in different ways. And while I’m not comparing myself to these giants, I do consider myself a freedom fighter—in the sense that I’m fighting for my personal freedom and helping others fight for theirs.

Those 10 reasons above? They’re irrelevant to me. Whether it takes 10 years or 20, I’ll keep pushing forward, because freedom is worth it. And if you’re a freedom fighter like me, then welcome to the club. We’ve got work to do.

Engage and Share

So what do you think? Are you ready to fight the good fight, or do you have your own reasons to stay on the sidelines? Let’s hear it in the comments below. And don’t forget to share—because your friends deserve a shot at freedom too, right?


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I don’t team up with just anyone. This isn’t for the dabblers, the excuse-makers, or the “try-it-and-see” crowd.

I build with savages—the ones wired differently. The ones who:

✅ Have 30+ years of age.
✅ Have natural taste—they just get what works.
✅ Take max ownership—no excuses, just execution.
✅ Have an obsession gene—halfway effort doesn’t exist in their world.
✅ Operate with a relentless itch to build—if they’re not creating, they’re suffocating.
✅ Feel zero fear—they’d rather bet on themselves than stay stuck.
✅ Are default savage by nature—unstoppable, unshakable, undeniable.
✅ Are the kind of person you’d never bet against—because they always find a way.

If this sounds like you, we need to talk.

NetWave isn’t just a business—it’s a movement. And we’re looking for the next wave of leaders to build with.

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